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我们很高兴为ladbrokes立博中文版(BSU)提供截至6月30日的财政年度年度综合财务报告, 2023. The audit report conveys an unmodified opinion of the university’s financial statements.

通过对公共资源和学生资金的精心管理,北外州立大学致力于为学生提供在课堂内外获得世界一流学习机会的机会. As a result of the university’s careful stewardship of fiscal resources, Bridgewater has been able to invest in initiatives and programs that advance our highest priority: student success.-->
年度综合财务报告 cover 2023

Download BSU's 年度综合财务报告

审计报告传达了对该大学截至6月30日的财政年度财务报表的未经修改的意见, 2023. The link below pertains to the most recent Annual Report.

年度财务报告2022-2023 (pdf)
Several factors contributed to the continued strength of the university’s financial position, 包括:
  • Sound financial planning, budgeting and management;
  • Implementation of new and more effective recruitment strategies, including the shift to the Common Application, 开发一种新的虚拟旅游, and an enhanced presence on Naviance (a high school college search platform), resulting in BSU achieving its largest incoming class in its history;
  • 发展 of new academic programs that are responding to critical needs in the marketplace, 包括BSU在光子学/光学工程方面的第一个工程项目,以及在健康科学方面的扩展课程;
  • Implemented a highly successful Senior College offering 6-week seminars and courses for learners over 50 years old;
  •  Adoption and expansion of retention strategies targeting at-risk populations of students, 包括开发和扩大一个非常成功的夏季熊项目,帮助gpa较低的学生过渡到大学,以及个性化的干预措施,旨在让那些可能离开大学的学生(例如.g.(因为持有他们的账户);
  • 在财政援助方面进行重大新投资(自2015年以来,地方援助增加了33%),并任命新的财政援助主任,以更有效地部署资源,加强招聘和留住人才;
  • 聘请新的首席发展官,重组校长办公室内的校友关系和发展职能,以加强校友参与,并增加捐赠,预计将在2020年启动一项重大的资本活动;
  • Fully aligning resources with university strategic priorities in the budgeting process

BSU’s financial position continues to be very strong. 在FY23, the university realized an increase in its net position of $10 million, from $18.从22财年的300万美元降至28美元.23财年为300万美元. This growth was attributable to increased state appropriations of 4.4% due to strong state tax collections coupled with effective university advocacy for more equitable funding; an increase in state grants of more than $2 million; increased auxiliary revenues from the resurgence in residence hall occupancy rates from a low during the pandemic of 38% in Fall 2020 to 83% in Fall 2021 and 92% in Fall 2022; and strong budget management across the entire university. The university’s primary reserve ratio of 43.18% (minus the effects of GASB 68 pension and GASB 75 OPEB requirements) continues to exceed industry benchmarks.


Enrollment remains the most significant challenge facing the university, reflecting declines in college-attendance rates as well as a projected decrease in the number of high school 研究生s. Although the number of high school 研究生s increased by 6% from 2012-2022, the number of these high school 研究生s attending college in-state fell 16.同期增长了3%. 2019冠状病毒病大流行对大学招生产生了深远影响,由于2020年秋季和2021年秋季入学小班的持续影响,这种影响仍在持续.

尽管有这些条件, BSU has stabilized enrollment and is putting in place plans to return to an enrollment growth path. Although enrollment fell in Fall 2022 by 3.4%, registrations for Fall 2023 saw a slight increase of 0.3%. In 2023-2024, 学校招生管理委员会(于2022年秋季重组)将采用新的战略招生计划(9月2).0), with a focus on further diversifying our markets. 随着即将到来的“人口悬崖”——预计在2025年至2035年间,高中毕业生的数量将下降约9%, 9月2.0 will include action plans for growing post-traditional, 研究生, 兼职, 转学和LGBTQIA+入学. 该大学还在探索如何增加我们的国际学生和西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生. 

In addition to diversifying markets and expanding market share for incoming students, BSU continues to be an innovative leader in the area of retention and closing institutional achievement gaps. BSU’s first-to-second year retention rate continues to exceed our peer institutions, and the university is expanding proven retention strategies, including its nationally recognized Student Navigator model and retention scholarships, 针对有风险的学生. 波士顿州立大学是加德纳研究所选择的11所大学之一,参加了“转变基础高等教育经验”项目, 它旨在重新设想大学前两年至关重要的教育,为学生最终的成功和学位的完成奠定基础.

随着COVID的消退, colleges and universities nationwide are facing a new mental health epidemic, 焦虑程度更高, stress and depression among both students and employees. 作为JED基金会指定的校园, 一个新的跨部门精神卫生和保健常设委员会将推动新的办法,以满足对精神卫生资源日益增长的需求. 


Following a two-year, inclusive process, BSU has developed a five-year Strategic Plan 2.0, which will be approved by the state in early 2024. 该计划确定了11项战略重点,使大学能够在面对充满挑战的高等教育环境中继续蓬勃发展,其特点是对学生和资源的竞争加剧, public skepticism about the value of higher education, 不断变化的学生人口结构, 员工期望的转变, and unprecedented rates of technological, 社会, 政治变革. will guide the university moving forward. Those priorities include: innovation; a new work paradigm; mental health and wellness; racial justice and equity; physical facilities; capital campaign; affordability; BSU的作品 (workforce alignment); enrollment management; post-traditional learners; and Gateway Cities. 


BSU has received state approval for its B.S. in Cybersecurity and is now accepting students for admission into that program for Fall 2024. A new master’s degree in this field is under current Board of Higher Education review. There is extraordinary demand for this program and tens of thousands of open, high paying positions. 该大学计划于2024年2月开放新英格兰地区最先进的网络培训中心,用于培训学生(和市政当局), 执法, non-profits and private businesses) utilizing simulated cyberattacks. 未来的校园安全运营中心将为学生提供与网络安全专业人员一起进行实际威胁检测和响应的机会. 


BSU continued to make major investments in deferred maintenance and capital improvements to the campus in 2022-2023. These included ongoing repairs and renovations made to 麦克斯韦尔库, Burnell Hall and Shea-Durgin residence hall; accessibility upgrades in Tillinghast and Hunt Halls; and construction of a new outdoor fitness court, 等. BSU还从州政府获得了额外的800万美元(在最初2500万美元投资的基础上),用于修缮伯内尔大厅,使其成为教育与健康科学学院的所在地. BSU基金会还获得了21 Park Terrace的一处房产,该房产将成为研究生院的未来之家, aligning with growing focus on 研究生 recruitment in Strategic Enrollment Plan 2.0 


In 2022-2023, the university’s component units (BSU Foundation and 校友 Association) realized a net position increase of $6.700万到67美元.700万年. 在FY23, BSU continued to make major strides towards the launch of its Without Exception capital campaign in June 2024, with the goal of increasing the university’s endowment to $100 million. Building the endowment will make possible strategic investments in student financial and other supports, BSU的作品, 扩大新项目,推动学生接受教育的机会和成功,并在从网络欺凌和种族平等到STEM和公民教育的各个领域提升BSU的领导地位. There is no doubt that BSU’s star is rising. 过去的一年表明,我们已经准备好正面应对任何新出现的挑战,同时继续抓住机遇,为我们可以控制的未来而努力.


弗雷德里克·W. 克拉克小.先生. 总统